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That's a Wrap!

I anxiously waited at the finish line with the girls’ medals and when we saw the first girl on our team, I almost cried. Everytime one of the girls from our team finished I felt my heart swell and it almost felt like I was going to explode. I cannot even begin to describe how amazing it felt watching these girls that I had been coaching finish this event. 

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Coach Maya with her team at the 5k

That's a Wrap!

I anxiously waited at the finish line with the girls’ medals and when we saw the first girl on our team, I almost cried. Everytime one of the girls from our team finished I felt my heart swell and it almost felt like I was going to explode. I cannot even begin to describe how amazing it felt watching these girls that I had been coaching finish this event. 

From Emotions to Transformations

I went away for college my freshman year, and to say that it was difficult would be an understatement. My first semester was great and I was making new friends, but in the second semester things took a turn. 

I had some difficult situations with some of the girls there and I used my “I feel” statements when talking to them. I didn’t even realize that I had used this Girls on the Run lesson until after. I called my mom and was telling her about the situation and I blurted out, “I even used my Girls on the Run language!”

This season I wanted to make sure that my team understands that people ACTUALLY do talk like that and it can work. That is why I asked to do the main part of our lesson. I was so excited to teach this little phrase to the girls.

Week One Done!

"Just after one week I feel like I have started to build relationships with the girls on the team and I can’t wait to keep creating deeper connections with them. I remember how much I looked up to my coaches and I want to be a role model for my team."

Starting Off on the Right Foot

Throughout this GOTR season, I will be sharing my journey as a new coach. I want to share both fun new experiences as well as reflections from my past experiences as a GOTR girl. This program has influenced my life for the better in many different ways, and I hope you follow along on this adventure. 

Girls on the Run participants run outside during program practice smiling

Ocho maneras de respaldar a tu niña activa

Practicar deportes puede hacer maravillas en la confianza, la vida social y la salud de una niña. Como ocurre con todo, algunas niñas serán más hábiles que otras, pero eso no significa que no deban intentarlo. Para bien o para mal, al probar diferentes actividades, las niñas podrán descubrir más sobre sí mismas, qué les hace felices y qué opciones les gustaría elegir en el futuro.

A Girls on the Run participant stretches at program practice to prepare for the day.

Seis maneras fáciles de beber más agua

Beber suficiente agua cada día es una parte fundamental de la salud humana, por lo que el agua es la mejor opción de bebida para todos, incluidas las niñas en edad de crecimiento. Aunque a veces puede ser más tentador recurrir a una bebida azucarada o con cafeína, si optas por el agua, tu cuerpo te lo agradecerá siempre.  

Coach and girl sitting together

Seis razones para convertirse en mentor

Cuando eras joven, ¿tuviste un mentor en tu vida? ¿Alguien que te recordaba constantemente tu valor, te enseñaba las normas y se tomaba el tiempo para escucharte? Si tu respuesta es afirmativa, es probable que ahora mismo estés sonriendo y recordando con cariño una gran lección que te enseñó tu mentor. 

A Girls on the Run participant smiles next to a caregiver as they look down at a journal.

Autocuidado diario para todas las niñas

No importa cuál sea tu edad o en qué etapa de la vida te encuentres, es indiscutible que a la mayoría de nosotros nos vendría bien un estímulo para nuestra salud física, mental y emocional. La vida puede ser desalentadora y francamente agotadora, así que tomarse un tiempo para cuidar de ti mismo es una necesidad ABSOLUTA para estos días impredecibles.